Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Tzaikou Language centre Thessaloniki story No1

Last week, we organized a school trip with our language class in the centre of Thessaloniki.  As we were walking in a small alley, we heard the desperate cries of a puppy which was abandoned in a cardboard box  near a huge rubbish container.
After approaching, we saw a cute, tiny creature which was injured. It was limping because its limbs seemed broken.... We felt sorry for her because she was hungry  and thirsty and after some serious consideration, we decided to adopt her and keep her in our school.
At the beginning, she was scared and slept all day long because she was tired, but day after day she became friendlier and her condition was getting better and better. We were astonished to find out that she could understand English and we allowed her to attend our English classes.
One day, our course was devoted to "positive thinking" and we were watching a film about it. The main idea was that our dreams can come true if we really believe in them and persist. In the follow-up discussion we talked about our dreams and ambitions and the dog told us that her dream was to travel around Greece and why not Europe... While watching the film we decided to name our little friend "HOPE" . She was excited.
-Oh, positive thinking! Yes, that's exactly what I had in mind when you guys found me, said Hope.
Then, she went on to tell us her story. She explained that a man had bought her from a pet-shop as a gift for his spoilt son. The boy was thrilled at the beginning but then he got bored of grooming the dog and he neglected her.
One day, her tummy was hurt and she was ill. She was crying and the boy couldn't sleep. So, he beat her badly and took her out in the cold. She spent an entire afternoon outside and then we found her and took her to safety. She was hoping that someone would come to her rescue. She never stopped believing for once!  Then we actually saved her life!
Being overly happy and grateful she told us that she wished to help others and more specifically children.We all agreed to set up a charity project to help kids. We came up with an amazing idea of a caravan project that would enable Hope to live her dream at the same time. So we arranged her destinations and scheduled her visiting weeks. She was looking forward to attending more English classes and learning interesting facts about different places, social issues and local traditions and customs.
Then we organized a farewell party, packed her luggage with love and sent her  to her first host-family!

Tzaikou Language Centre-Egnatia 100 Thessaloniki P.O BOX 54623


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